You could do it all, but you don’t have to.

Allowing you to empower your passions, one task at a time.

My Mission

As a business owner, your list of tasks is not only never ending - it continues to grow. That’s where I come in! I allow you the opportunity to focus on the big picture of your company, and the tasks YOU enjoy doing, while I can manage your Pinterest or some of the smaller tasks that typically get pushed to the side but can’t be neglected. My main goal is to protect and empower your passions by allowing you to complete the items within your business that bring you joy, while I take care of the rest!

About me

Hi, I’m Kristen! I’m so glad you’re here and genuinely hopeful I can play a pivotal role in helping you achieve the highest potential within your business. 
A little about me - I began my professional career in Elementary Education in 2008 after obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education and Development from Texas Tech University. After eleven years in the classroom, in 2019, I made a life changing decision to explore Corporate America. I accepted a sales position and had a very successful career there, earning many distinguished titles. While I always knew I had a passion for helping to enhance the lives of others, and was doing so both in the classroom and in sales, my true passion is helping people and their companies on a more personalized level. Virtual Assistance allows me to do just that!
The ability to assist in the upkeep and growth of companies has become a true love of mine, and I'm eager for the opportunity to partner with you so I am able to do just that for your business!


  • If you need an all around development of pinterest strategy, graphic creation, copy for your posts, SEO research, and posting to Pinterest - this al encompassing option is for you!

  • This add-on option is great for seeing where Pinterest will fit into your sales funnel and includes creation of ad graphics to run as paid ads.

  • If you are only looking for the Pinterest graphic creation only to use for your own Pinterest Marketing - this would be a great fit!

  • Based off your specific needs, I will create the copy for your pins that you will be able to add to your Pinterest graphics when posting to Pinterest.

  • If you don’t quite understand wher to find your ideal client, Keyword and SEO research is right for you!

  • If you are looking for account clean up, consultation on your account, or building an account from scratch - this is for you!


Pricing starts at $800 for monthly services. Please schedule a discovery call to customize a package for your exact needs.

Let’s Work Together